I love weekend breakfasts and so wish I had more time to enjoy them every day of the week but then I hear you say, they wouldn't be so special.
You can make it as a crumble if you have the time or do the deconstructed version if you need your breakfast urgently, as i tend to ;-)
3 Organic apples chopped in a pan….. add,
1tsp baobab powder
1tsp Maca (quite strong tasting so 1/2 if you need to)
2 tsp Lucuma Powder
cinnamon to taste and a splash of water to cook
3 tbps coconut oil
2 tbps coconut palm sugar/syrup or healthy sweetener of choice
1 cup of oats
handful each of pumpkin, sunflower and chia seeds
pink of sea salt
I melted oil and sugar together then added dry ingredients
stir well and then cook in the oven for 10 mins at 170' but keep an eye and turn if needed
I also baked some pecan separately.
Finally a large spooning of Coyo.
Really this was my perfect breakfast.
I am adding a Glossary for my wonderful friend Charlie and anyone else who is interested in the super part of food.
Maca: amazing for strength, energy and balancing hormones, oh and it's a cheeky aphrodisiac too
Baobab: High in Vit C and Potasssium, also helps improve the body's efficient use of calories from food to energy!
Lucuma: Provides us with 14 essential trace elements, including a considerable amount of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
So much goodness !! Be excited !!
You can make it as a crumble if you have the time or do the deconstructed version if you need your breakfast urgently, as i tend to ;-)
3 Organic apples chopped in a pan….. add,
1tsp baobab powder
1tsp Maca (quite strong tasting so 1/2 if you need to)
2 tsp Lucuma Powder
cinnamon to taste and a splash of water to cook
3 tbps coconut oil
2 tbps coconut palm sugar/syrup or healthy sweetener of choice
1 cup of oats
handful each of pumpkin, sunflower and chia seeds
pink of sea salt
I melted oil and sugar together then added dry ingredients
stir well and then cook in the oven for 10 mins at 170' but keep an eye and turn if needed
I also baked some pecan separately.
Finally a large spooning of Coyo.
Really this was my perfect breakfast.
I am adding a Glossary for my wonderful friend Charlie and anyone else who is interested in the super part of food.
Maca: amazing for strength, energy and balancing hormones, oh and it's a cheeky aphrodisiac too
Baobab: High in Vit C and Potasssium, also helps improve the body's efficient use of calories from food to energy!
Lucuma: Provides us with 14 essential trace elements, including a considerable amount of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
So much goodness !! Be excited !!