Sunday, 2 December 2012

Chocolate Sunday Smoothie

I was peckish and it was too cold to go outside so I made a wholesome filling smoothie from what ever I had in the house, not usual household ingredients I grant you but once you are on the chocolate smoothie path they will become staples!
about 1 1/2 cups of Home made Oatmilk
2 tablespoons raw Cacao Powder
teaspoon Maca
handful of goji berries
dessert spoon of Coconut palm sugar
dessert spoon of ground flax
drop of rose essence
drop of Vanilla essence
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon to taste
1/2 teaspoon probiotic powder
1/2 banana
3 ice cubes

The healthiest Sunday tea time you ever had ;-)

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Happy homemade Granola

The best rainy Saturday morning remedy, delicious Green Tea and freshly baked homemade granola.

Grab a saucepan and place over low heat.
Large Table spoon of coconut oil, desert spoon of coconut palm sugar or sweetener of choice, vanilla essence and lots of organic oats. Stir well and put on a baking tray, then place it in the oven or under the grill.
Keep an eye on it as they can burn pretty quick.
Remove from oven and add maca powder, cinnamon, goji berries, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
I don't cook the seeds as I usually soak and dehydrated them, this starts a germination process which releases enzyme inhibitors and makes them more nutritious and easier to digest. The heat would kill these now live nutritious seedlings. If you haven't soaked them then it's ok to cook them.
Let cool and add rice milk or Kara coconut milk or eat warm directly from the pan!

Oats are brilliant at calming the nervous system and helping heat the body through winter. My father always reminded me that the Scottish won their battles on the staying power of their porridge.
Cinnamon balances blood sugar levels and is packed with Anti Oxidants.
Maca is an incredible root that the Inca's used to increase energy and stamina. It's also amazing at balancing hormones and renown for increasing sex drive.
Goji berries contain many of our daily macro nutrients and have been proven to increase energy levels, athletic performance, calmness and the feeling of health and happiness.
What more do you want from your humble Granola?!
p.s make a small batch unless you have diamond force self control. By 1pm I had eaten the lot..........and am working on my new found super human powers :-)

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Cook Off!

In an attempt to ease us softly into and carry us gently through winter my friend Anna and I decided to start hosting small, relaxed dinners. Surrounding ourselves with people we love or those who are loved by people we love and to experiment with delicious new recipes.
Last night we initiated the group with Roast Pork, a large salad full of treats and twists, new Potatoes and a raw chocolate Ganache.
A veritable feast for a Tuesday night.
Our choice in menu was extremely impromptu and having had grand plans for a rack of Lamb the butcher was out of stock and Anna bought Pork, which neither of us had ever cooked before. Having both been vegetarian for many years the source and appreciation of the meat is very important to us both and something we keep at the forefront of our minds.

While Anna was in charge of the roasting I decided that we needed a healthy salad full of sweetness and crunch. Cranberries, apricots and toasted nuts sprung to mind and this is what I ended up with.

Green salad leaves, spinach, pea shoots and tender leaves
Walnuts, pumpkin seeds and cranberries all toasted
Dried apricots finely chopped.

With a dressing of:
Olive oil
White wine vinegar
Freshly squeezed orange
Grated ginger, more than you think if you like ginger
Tamari soy sauce
Salt and pepper

You will have to taste and explore flavours as I did but it wants to be fairly sweet to go well with the pork.
Thanks to Kyril's advice I toasted the cranberries making them chewy and caramelised and also discovered how these tiny power berries were farmed.
Nutritionally they are a great source of Vit E( Alpha Tocopherol brilliant for anti ageing) and Vit K, as well as a good source of dietary fiber, Vit C and Manganese.
Grown in northern Europe, Canada and northern states of the US they are in season now so make the most of them.

The evening is really about sharing, discovering and connecting and food is a wonderful way to do that.
I feel blessed to have a love of good food, a passion for exploring and a wonderful soul family to share in the Journey.

So "Cook Off " is born and I look forward  to our winter cocoon of  fodder,friends and frolics.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Spiced pumpkin soup for breakfast please.......

I love having friends over and often forget how much. So this weekend in celebration of Halloween and in honour or my friend Santiago who was over from Mexico, I decided to have a Pumpkin Soup party.

For bites I oven baked some cashews in a little olive oil and spices, The most heavenly healthy nuts you've ever tasted.
Then we had Soup..............
Everyone asked for the recipe so I promised to share it. It's more ingredients than a recipe as I tend to be quite free style in the kitchen but here is a good guide:

2 medium Onions gently cooked in coconut oil
A dash of Braggs Amino acids (amazing healthy salt replacement made from essential amino acids, find it in any health food shop) and or salt and pepper
Add One medium/large pumpkin/butternut squash
4 cans of coconut milk, or Kara the lighter coconut milk used for drinking and cereals
Thai Green spices, garlic, green chilli, lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime, coriander
(You can also use a pure healthy ready made paste. I love Thai Taste which you can find in all good super markets.)
Taste and season, I love a bit of spice but you can also leave out entirely.
It fed about 12 people in cups not bowls, but with some left over that I had for breakfast with guacamole and oat cakes, before I went to rehearsals for a film and had to do Yoga moves in 4 inch metal heels! an usual Saturday

You are welcome for dinner any time, to cook or taste, share and enjoy.
Let me know how your soup tastes and any freestyling you got up to that could add to the Pumpkin soup experience x

Friday, 12 October 2012

You can do Yoga!

........Simple steps to overcoming the initial challenges of Yoga.

1.   Start at the beginning
You maybe sporty and fit but yoga is complex and getting to know it and feel comfortable with it can take a few sessions. It is understandably disheartening to see the person next to you wrap their leg around their head when you still can’t detect your toes. Beginners gives you a chance to know the basics, start at your own pace, understand your body better and get to grips with the simple balances and sequences before you move on to more challenging things. Don’t be ashamed to start at the beginning

2.  Explore all the options
Finding the right class at the right time that’s not too far away can be a challenge. But there are many options to choose from. You can go to a studio for a group class, gather some friends in your own home or at work or even do one to one sessions. Find out what works so that you can have a regular practice and see real benefits in your body and life.

3.  Find the right teacher
For both your physical and mental evolution on your Yoga journey you need to find a teacher who will guide you in the right way. You may not know what you want from your practice but you will know if you feel great after class! Physically challenged as well as mentally stimulated. Find a teacher that pushes you to explore your practice and that you feel comfortable with.

4.  Find a style that suits you
There is yoga for everyone and finding a style that suits you is vital. You may like a slow relaxing class that is restorative or you may like something more dynamic and flowing that gets the heart rate up and the body moving. Each style has its challenges and you can even chop and change depending on how you feel. Never feel stuck. Yoga is about harmony and flow so enjoy exploring what works for you.

5.  Practice regularly
To do anything properly and really reap the rewards you have to be doing it regularly. Just as the other focuses in your life from work to relationships, Yoga requires a certain degree of commitment and dedication in order to fully appreciate the power of the practice. One day a week is a good start and already a huge commitment in our hectic lives but you may find yourself wanting more

 6.    Stop trying to be “Perfect”
There is no perfect in Yoga, there is just you, your body and the way you move. It is your own Warrior 1 and nobody else’s shoulder stand. All our bodies and minds are different, responding and reacting to life and its hurdles in our own unique way. Striving for perfection will only lead to disappointment. Yoga teachers are there to guide you, keep you safe and share their knowledge. Helping you to understand that “Perfect” is a much bigger place than you thought.

         7. Don’t Let your Yoga Ego get in the way.
We all want to be amazing at everything we do, run faster, jump higher, bend further. But with yoga you have to know your limits and they can be quite humbling. You might never be able to do what the person next to you is doing, not in a million years, know that before you start and just go on your own journey. You are your bench mark, so shed your yoga ego and enjoy where you are today without being lazy ;-)

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Why don’t you do Yoga?

1.   You think you can’t do yoga
Too stiff, too old, too highly strung, I have heard it all. It’s like saying you are too dirty to take a shower. If you feel like you can’t do yoga you probably need to start! If you’re feeling stiff and immobile it will reflect into all aspects of your life.  If your mind is racing you will carry this constant tension in to everything you do. Yoga opens your body, calms your mind and is a wonderful tool for coping with life’s madness.

2.  You have a pre conceived Idea of Yoga
You think yoga is just easy stretching and have images of plant eating, grass sniffing, middle aged women floating about in your head that just keep you as far away from yoga as possible. But it can be hugely challenging mentally and physically for even the fittest of us. Give yourself a month or two to explore different kinds of yoga with different teachers. Many of my clients are amazed by how incredible they feel and how much they look forward to class.

3.  You Underestimate the Power of yoga
No one can appreciate the power of Yoga until they’ve tried it. I know because I have lived it for 13 years and certainly didn’t start because I knew how amazing it was. I just wanted to stretch and not feel so stiff after a sparring session or long run.  But it’s much more than just a stretch and so much more comprehensive as a workout than you ever thought. It will change your life in more ways than you can imagine, infiltrating every aspect far beyond your yoga mat. After time you will understand why you dedicate so many precious hours to yoga.

4.  You’ve heard Doctors and Osteopaths say Yoga is bad.
Doctors have heard horror stories of people being injured through mal practise and people pushing too hard too soon.  But Yoga comes in many forms and can be tailor made to your needs and desires with each session. Yoga is often seen as farfetched and extreme. The western world is unfamiliar with this Indian practise so can feel threatened by it. But those people who think outside the box and have turned to yoga when their backs were bad and their bodies stiff and sore have had great results. Yoga mobilises you, mind and body, it increases your body awareness and allows you to rediscover your freedom of movement. Find the right yoga for you.

5.   You’d rather go for a run.
I hear this all the time. “Why waste my time doing boring yoga when I could be running and burning fat”
But put simply you can’t replace yoga with a run. But I would go so far as to say you could replace your run with yoga!
 I love to run and it’s true that there is a certain degree of meditation in running but the stress on your body, cortisol and lactic acid build up can leave you exhausted, toxic and in worse shape than before you started. And it’s important to have something to counterbalance it. If you are an avid runner then you probably need yoga even more than most. Yoga and running are hugely complimentary to each other and you would be guaranteed to see improved results in your running and overall fitness, not to mention reducing your risk of injury by adding 1 or preferably 2 yoga sessions a week.

6.  You do Pilates instead of yoga
I am a big believer in Pilates, have practised it for years and use many of its principles in my Yoga teaching. Pilates is about the body and the mind, created by the athlete Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the 20th Century, it deals with structural issues relating to posture and primarily core strength.  Yoga is a philosophy dating back some 5000 years and brings in to account the mind, body and spirit, working deep into your subconscious by way of different postures, breathing and meditation. Pilates is a work out and great for strengthening and toning the body. Where Yoga is a life choice, an amazing vehicle to strengthen and tone the body but more importantly connect you to your soul, calm your mind and allow you to live peacefully and honestly in our mad, frenetic world.

7. You’ve over thought every aspect.
We are taught to analyse and over think everything. You have already decided that yoga is boring and you will never be able to lie there and breath without falling asleep and snoring. You’ve decided it’s too hard and there must be easier options. You think chanting is for hippies and will make you giggle and when you roll up to sitting there is a high chance you will fart and the teacher will expel you from class. It is incredible the capacity we have to create resistant to things that might push our boundaries, when sometimes we just need to explore and have fun. Yoga enables you to let go, no judgement, no rules and no bench marks. It is a place of liberation, a practice for freeing the body and soul. You just need to go to class and let the yoga do the work.


Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Life as a Goddess

Growing up in a dominant masculine family with 2 big brother's and a rather Alpha Mother and Father it has to be said I always preferred the company of men. They are easier to understand, less complex, made me train harder on the athletics track and never compared the size of my bottom with theirs. The attractions are endless and although I am still a huge fan of male company, have finally discovered the divinity of the feminine.
Over the last few years I have gradually found my self surrounded by  passionate, like minded, caring  women and am really enjoying it

It is said that the success of a man is down to the wife he chooses but the success of a woman is down to the female friends she surrounds herself with!
Like my mother I have never been very reliant on others for guidance, making decisions from within and rarely seeking other people's opinion but sometimes it's good to run ideas and feelings by someone who is less attached, someone who stands outside looking in with a clearer view. And the more we open the more the world opens.
As the Masculine energy of the Sunsets so the Feminine Energy of the Moon rises.

Women in communities throughout time have been there to support each other at every stage of their lives. From childhood to puberty, marriage, childbirth and old age it's the feminine energy and non judgmental understanding that helps us be confidant and strong in our choices and sense of self.. There is consistency in their love and devotion, the women you choose become your spiritual family and if we choose them wisely we can rely on them 100% There is great power to be drawn from knowing we are loved and cared for by our fellow goddesses.

I spent last weekend on a hen in Ibiza, which I can admit sounds debauched and messy but it could not have been further from it. We were a wide group of women from all over the world, coming together to celebrate the love we have for our girlfriend who was getting married. We united to show our support and solidarity. To let her know we would always be there to listen and guide, to understand and care. That as her chosen family we  would show unconditional love and loyalty.
Between the crazy fun games, delicious food, wine and shots of Snow Queen Organic Vodka we thought we would do a small ceremony to share our wishes for our divine friend.  It was simple but poignant and the perfect vessel to send her into her future life.
The goddess energy is so strong and as The Beatles said. "You get by with a little help your friends"

Girls, call on one another, share and create a safe place in your lives for each of you to grow and unfurl.
Step into your Goddess, the feminine energy really is divine, tap into its endless source and let it feed you.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Bunny Marvelous

This Chocolate bunny is made with raw natural ingredients to ensure you enjoy your Cacao indulgence and aren't left in a nasty food coma with a debilitating headache!

3 handful of almonds
1 handful of pecans
(nuts ideally soaked over night to germinate reducing calories and fat content and lighten the texture)
Desiccated coconut

Place in blender til ground to small pieces and put in a deep baking tray or suitable plastic container

1 small avocado
2 tbl Coconut butter
Dark Agave nectar to taste
2/3 tbl spoons Raw Cacao powder
Orange Blossom essence and Vanilla (optional)
Blend until creamy and tastes divine
Feel free to add more agave to sweeten or Cacao to intensify

Pour on top of base and place in fridge, or make into fun shape to keep yourself entertained!

 Enjoy any time from breakfast to dinner with Blueberries and strawberries

 Happy Easter :-)

Thursday, 5 April 2012

A buckwheat Easter Treat

The Princess of Pancakes

Buckwheat Groats (ideally soaked over night to germinate) 3/4 handfuls
Almond, Rice or a milk that suits you
Dash of vanilla and Cinnamon
Mix in blender to a nice fine batter.

Make your pancake as usual and then drizzle some coconut Oil and a nut butter of your choice.
I love Almond butter preferably roasted by Meridian if I am being particular.
Alternative toppings could include
Xylitol (best healthy sweetener, available in all health food shops) and Cacao
Agave or Manuka honey and berries
or go savoury with salmon, eggs, even bacon if you are that way inclined!

Buckwheat is a seed and therefore high in protein and gluten free making it easier to digest and great for low card living. Its the perfect alternative to grain flour, with all the deliciousness of a pancake. There are also breads, pastas and even a pizza base available.
For delicious bread check out:

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Surviving the mountains

The mountains can be challenging in many ways. Snow, ice, cold, skis and hard plastic boots but it seems that for me the social antics are much more painful than a tight boot. It's the cheese, wine, steak and my biggest weakness chocolate, that seem to be what people talk of most of their return from the slopes. General over indulgence, but it seems in the alps it would be criminal to deny one's self of such a feast.

Knowing these pitfalls I travel armed with an array of powders and potions to aid me through a week of hardcore skiing and epic indulgence.

Barley Grass- A powerful anti oxidant, helping keep my body alkaline despite the cheese and wine doing it's worst
Milk Thistle complex Tincture- To remind my Liver that I do care

Magnesium Ultra Muscle Ease- To help my muscles relax and restore after a long day climbing and skiing. Oh and magnesium is great for bowel movement too!

Digestive enzymes- to give my gut help when meeting things it didn't even know existed! Biocare do a good all round one and a small pot for gluten allergy suffers too

Probiotics- Udo's high potency- An army of friendly bacteria to boost my immune system and help keep damage to a minimum.

I have been trying hard to think which ones are essential and which I could leave behind but I am not sure I can choose. If I didn't love my food so much and was like a normal girl who ate 2 eggs for breakfast instead of one and wasn't tempted by the bread basket then I think Barley grass does the best all round job to keep you strong and the Probiotics serve as a life long friend not just in an emergency.

Ski hard, play hard. It really is the best holiday!

The boys asses our imminent climb....................
Please let me know if you want any more information on the potions above or if you have a miracle worker of your own you'd like to share. x

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The Breath and beyond................

I want to write about something so simple we never even think about it. Something so natural we forget to use it, so easy we almost find it hard, but something so powerful it can transform any situation. 
The Breath............
It's not something we have ever been taught to do and hence tend to just do it however we started doing when we landed on this earth. More often than not our breathing is restricted by lifestyle and emotions such as fear and worry. We don't give ourselves room the breath; we don't honour that innate life force by taking time to enjoy open spaces and just breathing deeply.

Even though I have spent 10 days in silence, meditating on the sensations of the breath on my nostrils, that the last thing I do before I launch myself off the back of a mountain into knee deep powder is take a huge breath and when I am teaching my nieces to jump on their ponies and not be scared I remind them to breath, I know that I myself have not tapped into this magical source enough in the past. 
However life events have lead me to seek guidance and losing my father suddenly this January left me incurably empty, insecure and in desperate need of an opiate. Once the primary rush of organisation and duties were gone and jarring of the shock and trauma began to soften I found myself waking at 5.30am every morning in a blind panic. It felt as if I was being sucked into a huge vacuum with nothing to cling onto, I had lost my tummy on a nasty fairground ride and didn't know how to make it end or I had accidently stepped off the edge of the world into nothing but sadness.  
As I lay there in bed I couldn't even move and just found myself breathing. I pulled so deeply on the breath, sucking it into every cell in my body as if I wanted to get high from it. Long purposeful breaths initially of desperation and anguish eventually turned to inhalations of strength, understanding and supportiveness. I don't know how the breath does this, but I do know that it works; it is our life force, our inspiration. Something so fundamental we have failed to see its power. 
There are always moments in the day when a few deep breaths could save our ass. From responding nicely to someone who has annoyed you or just making you feel more confident and alive in a moment of self doubt. 
So when our mothers said "Just breath" they were right.

I spend my life teaching people to breath, for an hour I tell my yoga students when to take every inhale and exhale. We move on every breath, creating a movement meditation. It can be as simple as opening your arms wide as you inhale and bringing them to prayer at your heart as you exhale. Even this basic invocation can be extremely powerful. It is an honour for me to guide my students to a more connected place. A place of clarity and calm but more importantly of centeredness and true authenticity. 

It has become wildly obvious to me over the recent years that the breath is a key and our best kept secret. A tool to relieving our suffering and anxiety as well as experiencing the fullness of bliss.