Monday, 20 June 2011

Traveling bugs

For me travel bugs have come in many forms. The first is obviously the desire to travel. Catching the travel bug from a recently returned friend, seeing a long sandy beach draped down the side of a bus or watching a film and longing for the fun and vibrance of a new city. But there are also the bugs you catch while in these divine destinations and these are not so enticing or romantic.
I am writing from Mexico City. An exotic sprawling city, thats life and energy exudes change and growth. It is an exciting place to be. It's people are kind, warm and hard working. Those fortunate enough to have had a good education bring passion, energy and determination to everything that they do. Maybe they know that they are the ones to drive this change. They are the ones to make Mexico be recognised as the affluent country it is. There is a buzz. Art, education, finance and technology all emerging together. The diversity makes for a fascinating dynamism. And I somehow wish I had found this place sooner.

But I guess the right time for me is now so I am trying to embracing every moment on this magical path. The good and of course the not so desirable.  Like many travelers, foreigners and world wonderers I have found myself with a different kind of travel bug. One that somehow impregnates your intestine and leeches on the good things in life.
It was noticable enough to know I wasn't well but not bad enough to stop me partying! In fact Vodka did wonders and Mezcal on an empty stomach practically made me feel like new. But alas at gone 30 a life of alcohol straight up and no food is not conducive to language learning or even living. In 10 days my yoga practice was non existent and I spent most of my afternoons trying to catch up on sleep deprivation as the only time I seemed to feel well was between midnight and 5am. I was unwilling to admit I was sick and take antibiotics so limped plassidly along until finally I met a wonderful Yogi called Amado
He said the first thing I had to do was take Eskopar, a rather nasty bright yellow opaque sap that would kill the ameba or parasite and probably reduce the content of my colon to a pulp. Then I needed to eat local yogurt so my gut would be filled with friendly Mexican bacteria to help me fight future bugs. It made total sense. I had religiously taken my probiotic (friendly bacteria in a capsule) but of course needed something more indigenous, just like one eats local honey to help prevent summer allergies.
So although I am a huge believer in probiotic and am sure it supported my immune system enormously, stopping me getting dangerously sick, we need to think local. get yourself accustomed to the native bugs so your body builds the right immunity.

I love how our bodies adapt but sometimes they need help and we must each take responsibility for our own health, gaining knowledge and respect for the world we are living in, beastly worms and all.
You should use a complex probiotic with at least 3 strains of bacteria for maximum immunity. Culturelle and  Bio-Kult by Protexin are two of my favourites.

For the moment I have chosen Mexico City as my home and after an unpleasant experience, I am rejoicing as my body finally succumbs to loving it as much as my mind and spirit.
So now I can sleep at the right time and party when I choose to, with or without the Vodka!